As a dollar-for-dollar reduction in actual taxes owed, a tax credit is far more valuable than a tax-deductible business expense which merely reduces the amount of income on which one is taxed. Making use of tax credits when eligible is an absolutely essential tax planning tool that can be utilized to immediately conserve cash. Unfortunately, many individuals and businesses that are eligible to take advantage of tax credits do not do so due to misunderstanding of the associated requirements or due to a simple lack of planning. Do not miss out the savings that tax credits provide.
Companies that meet the following four-part test may be eligible to take the research and development tax credit:
1. Development of a new or improved product or process
2. The research relies on technological processes as utilized in the physical sciences, life sciences or computer sciences
3. The research is attempting to eliminate uncertainty about the development or improvement of a product or a process
4. The research included experimentation to evaluate alternatives